Trap Loan Scheme

Trap Loan Scheme

The RSSS Trap Loan Scheme began in 2000 to encourage and assist members of the public in their efforts to control grey squirrels on their property.  The Trap Loan Scheme offers traps and all necessary training and support to anyone wishing to help control grey squirrels and stem the spread of the Squirrelpox virus.  The testing of blood samples submitted by Trap Loan Scheme participants is a vital component of Southern Scotland’s Squirrelpox Surveillance Program


Camouflaged trap


Naturalised trap

Camouflaged Trap


Naturalised Trap

If you have grey squirrels on your property and would like to participate in our Trap Loan Scheme, please contact us via email or phone. 

Click here to report a squirrel sighting.
Please note this link will open a new window which will take you to the Scottish Wildlife Trust website where you can record your squirrel sightings.


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Stewartry Technology